
Archive for July 15th, 2009


My Italian grandmother has been making Limoncello for the wedding – a strong, alcoholic, Italian drink served after a meal to aid digestion…and get you quite tipsy. My Nan makes a great Limoncello. We’re going to put bottles on the tables for people to help themselves though my fiancé thinks this might be a mistake as people might not realise how strong it is (you should only sip, not down, a small glass full). Hopefully the word will spread on the dangers of Limoncello before the whole of Suffolk is inebriated and singing ‘Volare’!

We found the bottles to decant the Limoncello into. They’re French lemonade bottles, so we’re going to drink the fizzy stuff and then replace with the bright yellow Italian alcoholic stuff.



The plan is to soak off the labels and create our own labels to put on the bottles. If you search there’s lots of examples of people doing exactly that:

Limoncello Label

What a great name! Boozy Bambino (Which basically means drunk kid!) Limoncello labels here


1950s-esque labels from here


Cute birdy labels from here


I love these traditional Italian labels

The lovely tight stopper means there hopefully won’t be too many spillages…


Oh, and if you want the recipe for Nonna’s Limoncello, post a reply and I will get the recipe up on here!

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